For the festive season, Michelle Periera's illustrations adorn both products and packaging, offering you a glimpse into a world of enchantment – An Extraordinary Holiday! From inspiration, to her favourite products, get to know the artist behind this year’s charming and magical designs.

  2. Tell us about your collaboration with Glasshouse Fragrances - why is it important to you?

I’ve always loved their scented candles so I was pretty excited to be intimately involved in creating illustrations for their Christmas range. The fact that it was for a festive season was an added bonus – very fun!


2. Can you briefly walk us through your creative process, from inspiration to finished product?

It usually starts with some form of research that involves looking for inspiration and reference material to inform the illustration concept. Then I develop a few sketches and some colour palette options and send those off to the client. From there, once the chosen sketches are picked I finalise the illustration using an iPad.


3. What is your favourite thing about the festive season?

The seemingly endless supply of festive food (so many mince pies!) and spending time with loved ones.


4. What was the inspiration behind the Christmas 2023 packaging?

The main inspiration for the Christmas 2023 packaging involved the idea of a ‘Grand House’ filled with quirky characters celebrating the festive season together.


5. What is your favourite design from the Christmas 2023 Collection?

I love the candle box design!