Contact Us

You can get in touch with our customer service team by filling in the below form.

We're online between 7pm-7am EST/EDT weekdays.

Currently our team are experiencing higher volumes than normal and are working hard on providing the most complete resolution for everyone. It might mean that we take a bit longer than we'd usually expect (in some cases up to 7 days), but if you can stick with us, we'll be sure to get back to you as quickly as we can.

While we understand how frustrating it is when you're waiting on an update, if you could please not send more than one message (across all of our channels). Every message we receive is looked at separately, so if you can keep it to one message per issue we'll be able to get back to you that much sooner. We appreciate your understanding.

If you're after dispatch and delivery information in regards to a recent order, please see our FAQs.